Asia Primary Angioplasty Congress (APAC) 2017 – 18th & 19th November, 2017, Hong Kong

APAC was inaugurated in Singapore as the first dedicated primary angioplasty meeting in Asia in 2014. Since then, we have been quite successful in propagating primary percutaneous coronary intervention (primary PCI) for acute myocardial infarction in Asia by providing an interactive and networking platform for interventional cardiologists to share their local experience.
On behalf of the APAC Organizing Committee, we are pleased to report that Singapore and Hong Kong have come together for the first time to take APAC beyond Singapore to extend a sustainable primary PCI network and system in Hong Kong. Over 280 participants came from 20 countries to make it a lively and fruitful meeting in Hong Kong.
In 2017, APAC partnered with Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics (HKSTENT) and Hong Kong College of Cardiology (HKCC) to host its first overseas Congress on November 18th & 19th. This strategic partnership is timely as the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong is finalizing its efforts to introduce 24/7 primary PCI service in HKSAR by 2018.
Stent – Save a Life’s participation at this first pPCI focused congress in Hong Kong is particularly meaningful as the two countries come together to advance the best outcomes for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients in Hong Kong and Asia. We look forward to maintaining a close relationship with Stent – Save a Life to improve the primary angioplasty landscape in Asia.
Doing our best to treat AMI