Sudan Heart Society is an academic society for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and paediatric cardiologists practicing in Sudan, founded in 2003 . The society organises courses and workshops to the medical community and cardiologists in Khartoum and other remote states targeting young doctors focusing on cardiac emergencies and other topics.
The first international conference of the society was held in 2013 and is one of the great achievements of this society as, since then, the conference has become a regular annual activity in SHS calendar.
SHS has active working groups on interventional cardiology, cardiac imaging, electrophysiology, paediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery and rheumatic heart disease holding regular meetings with strong presence of cardiologists and cardiology fellows and focus on promoting evidence-based cardiology and optimising patient care.
Sudan Heart Journal, established in 2012, is another addition to the academic activities of SHS.
As the society recognises the importance of a strong advocacy role to promote heart health in the community, it supports the anti-smoking campaign by the Ministry of Health and many of its members are also members of the Anti-Smoking Society of Sudan. SHS regularly celebrates the World Heart Day with many activities focusing on the importance of promoting healthy living.
Sudan Heart Society
PO Box 7731
11123 Khartoum, Sudan
Tel: +249 909777757